Friday, March 14

Should software engineer be capitalized in titles?

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Should software engineer be capitalized in titles?

Capitalizing Software Engineer Titles

In the world of software engineering, titles play a crucial role in establishing one’s professionalism and respect in the field.

However, there is a common debate among software engineers about whether to capitalize or not capitalize the title “Software Engineer” on their resume, CV, and other formal documents. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the reasons behind this debate and provide guidelines for when to capitalize and when not to capitalize the title “Software Engineer”.

The Argument for Capitalizing Software Engineer Titles

One of the main arguments in favor of capitalizing the title “Software Engineer” is that it shows a level of professionalism and respect towards one’s field. It is a way to acknowledge the importance of the role and to give it due consideration.

Another argument in favor of capitalizing the title is that it acknowledges the technical expertise and skills required to perform the job. It recognizes that software engineers are highly trained professionals who possess a deep understanding of complex systems and technologies.

The Argument Against Capitalizing Software Engineer Titles

One of the main arguments against capitalizing the title “Software Engineer” is that it can be inconsistent with other titles on a resume or CV.

Another argument against capitalizing the title is that language has evolved over time, and certain titles may no longer carry the same level of prestige or respect as they once did. For example, the title “Web Developer” has become much more common in recent years, and it would be difficult to argue that this position should be capitalized due to its lower status compared to “Software Engineer”. Additionally, some experts believe that certain titles may no longer be relevant or appropriate for the current job market.

Real-Life Examples and Case Studies

Example 1: John Doe, Software Engineer

John Doe is a software engineer who has been working in the field for over 10 years. He holds an MSc in Computer Science from XYZ University and has worked for several high-profile companies in his career. When applying for his current position, John decided to capitalize the title “Software Engineer” on his resume and CV. This decision was based on his belief that it would show professionalism and respect towards his field.

Example 2: Jane Smith, Web Developer

Jane Smith is a web developer who has been working in the industry for 5 years. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from ABC University and has worked for several small to medium-sized companies. When applying for her current position, Jane decided not to capitalize the title “Web Developer” on her resume or CV. This decision was based on her belief that it would be inconsistent with other titles and could disrupt the flow of the document.


1. Should I capitalize my software engineering degree if I am applying for a position in the same field? If so, how should I do it?

If you are applying for a position in the same field as your software engineering degree, it is generally appropriate to capitalize “MSc” or “Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science” on your resume and CV. However, if you have earned additional degrees or certifications in other fields, you may want to consider capitalizing those as well. The key is to be consistent with the rest of your document and to highlight any relevant skills and experience that align with the position you are applying for.

2. Should I capitalize my title if I hold multiple titles or certifications?

If you hold multiple titles or certifications, it is generally appropriate to only capitalize the one that is most relevant to the position you are applying for. For example, if you have both a “Software Engineer” and a “Project Manager” certification, you may want to consider capitalizing “Software Engineer” as it is directly related to the position you are applying for. However, be sure to highlight any skills or experience that align with the other title as well.

3. Should I capitalize my title if I hold an honorary degree?

If you hold an honorary degree, it is generally appropriate to capitalize “Honoris Causa” on your resume and CV. However, be sure to also include the name of the institution that granted the degree and the year it was received. This will help establish your credibility and expertise in your field and highlight any notable achievements or accomplishments you may have.


In conclusion, whether or not to capitalize the title “Software Engineer” is ultimately up to the individual. However, by considering the arguments presented in this article, software engineers can make an informed decision that best represents their technical expertise and professionalism.